
Una sabrosa y creativa ración de GIFs directos desde Tel Aviv…

Que me he dado cuenta de un pequeño detalle, hace mucho tiempo que no traigo una buena colección de ilustraciones en formato GIF de esas que tanto me gustan a mí (creo recordar que una de las primeras entradas de Phusions estuvo dedicado a esta noble disciplina artística). Así que, hoy, he decidido ponerle remedio.

Por eso te invito a descubrir las ilustraciones de Pierre Kleinhouse amimadas por Ohad Zivony. Dos artistas, qué digo artistas, dos genios de Tel Aviv que cuentan historias fantásticas en tan sólo unos segundos.

– vía @crossconnectmag –

Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag
Various GIF animations illustrated by Pierre Kleinhouse and animated by Ohad Zivony
Kleinhouse and Zivony are illustrators, both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Instagram: @crossconnectmag

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